Integral booster pump, compatible to ZF3000431
Suitable for Millipore water purification systems
RO-Membrane for Millipore AFS 16, Elix 10, Milli-Q Direct 16, Milli-Q Integral 10 and Rios 16 Systems
This product is designed to remove most of the ions, particles of organic carbon and particles.
Integral booster pump, compatible to ZF3000431
RephiSolo U Pack EX kit, compatible to QTUMMPEEX
RephiDuo P Pack S2, compatible to PR0G0T0S2
RephiDuo S Pack 1, compatible to SIMPAK0R1
RephiDuo P Pack L1, compatible to PRPK0L0S1
RephiDuo P Pack TL1, compatible to PR0GTL0S1
UV lamp 254 nm, Compatible with ZFRES00UV
RO Membrane without housing, compatible to CDRC050HG
RephiDuo P Pack 1, compatible to PR0G00001, 2/pk
RephiDuo U Pack TEX, compatible to QPAK00TEX
RephiQuatro U Pack 2, compatible to CPMQ004D2
RephiQuatro U Pack 2 Kit, compatible to CPMQK05D2
RephiDuo SY Pack 1, compatible to SYPK0SIA1
RephiSolo U Pack IX, compatible to QTUM000IX